Saturday, November 14, 2020

LET Review: Professional Education [Part-3]


1. Teacher F wanted to teach the pupils the skill to do cross stitching.  Her check up quiz was a written test on the steps of cross stitching. Which characteristic of a good test does it lack?

a. Objectivity

b. Reliability

c. Scorability

d. Validity *

2. If your Licensure Examination Test (LET) items sample adequately the competencies listed in the syllabi, it can be said that the LET possesses _____ validity.

a. concurrent

b. construct

c. content *

d. predictive






3. In a criterion-referenced testing, what must you do to ensure that your test is fair?

a. Make all of the questions true or false.

b. Ask each student to contribute one question.

c. Make twenty questions but ask the students to answer only ten of their choice.

d. Use the objectives for the units as guide in your test construction.*


4. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?

a. Essay test

b. Objective test *

c. Problem type

d. Short answer test


e. .


5. The first thing to do in constructing a periodic test is to --

a. study the content.

b. decide on the type of test to construct.

c. go back to the instructional objectives.*

d. decide on the number of items for the test.





6. Shown a picture of children in sweaters inside the classroom, the students were asked this question: “In what kind of climate do these children live?”  This is a thought question on --

a. applying

b. creating

c. inferring *

d. predicting

7. Which guideline in test construction is not observed in this test item?

  Jose Rizal wrote ____.

a. The alternates must be plausible.

b. There must be only one correct answer.

c. Alternatives must have grammatical parallelism.

d. The central problem should be packed in the stem. *


8. If teacher wants to test students’ ability to organize ideas, which type of test should she formulate?

a. Essay *

b. Multiple-choice type

c. Short answer

d. Technical problem type





9. Which illustrates a developmental approach in guidance and counseling?

a. Acting as a mediator.*

b. Spotting on students in need of guidance.

c. Making the decision for the confused student.

Teaching students how to interact in a positive manner







10. Whose teaching is in support of “Education for All” (EFA) as he asserted that in teaching, there should be no distinction of social classes?

a. Confucius *

b. Lao Tsu

c. Mencius – Human nature is originally good ,hence gov’t should rely on moral examples  and social education

d. Sun Yat Sen – doesn’t make use of rational  analysis






11. From whom is this prayer that we encounter people say as: “O God, if there is a God, save my soul, if I have a soul.”?

a. Agnostic - *    somebody denting the existence of God

b. Empiricist        application of observation and experiment

c. Skeptic            tendency to doubt

d. Stoic                emotional indifference

































12. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely B, C and D, no pupil chose D as answer.  This implies that D is --

a. A vague distracter

b. A plausible distracter

c. An effective distracter

d. An ineffective distracter *


Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results.  Then answer the questions about it.

13. In which subject(s) did Dani perform best in relation to the group’s performance?

a. English *

b. Math

c. Physics

d. English and Math

14. In which subject(s) did Dani perform most poorly in relation to the group’s performance?

a. English

b. Math

c. Physics *

d. English and Math


15. In which subject(s) were the scores most homogenous?

a. English

b. Math

c. Physics

d. Physics and Math


16. What can be said of Francis who obtained a score of 75 in a grammar objective test?

a. His rating is 75%.

b. He answered 75 items of the test correctly. *

c. He answered 75% of the test items correctly.

d. He performed better than 75% of his classmates.



17. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that more from the lower group got the test item #6 correctly.  This means that the test item has a --

a. lower validity.

b. high reliability.

c. positive discriminating power.

d. negative discriminating power.


18. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level.  This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under --

a. Aptitude test

b. Criterion-referenced test

c. Intelligence test

d. Norm-referenced test *



19. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of scores.  Which of the following does she do?

a. She describes what should be their performance.

b. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.

c. She compares every individual student’s scores with others’ scores.*

d. She describes group performance in relation to a level of mastery test.

20. Test norms are established in order to have a basis for --

a. Computing grades

b. Establishing learning goals

c. Identifying pupils’ difficulties

d. Interpreting test results *


21. Which is most implied by a negatively skewed score distribution?

a. Most pupils are achievers.

b. Most of the scores are low.

c. Most of the scores are high.

d. The scores are evenly distributed from left to the right.

22. Which holds true to standardized tests?

a. They are administered differently.

b. They are used for assigning grades.

c. They are used for comparative purposes. *

d. They are scored according to different standards.











23. Students’ scores on a test were: 72, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 83, 85.  The score 76 is the --

a. Average

b. Mean

c. Median *

d. Mode

24. Are percentile ranks the same as percentage correct?

a. Yes, because they are computed by dividing the score with 100.

b. Yes, because both can be even without determining the scores.

c. No, because it cannot be determined unless the number of examinees is given.

d. No, because the former is based on the number of examinees and the latter is based on the number of items. *

25. Which is the least stable measure of central tendency?-

a. Median

b. Mean

c. Mode*

d. Mode and Median

26. Which measure(s) of central tendency separate(s) the top half of the group from the bottom half?


b. Median *

c. Mode

d. Mean and Median

27. Which applies when skewness is zero?

a. Scores have three modes.

b. Scores are normally distributed. *

c. Mean is greater than the median.

d. Median is greater than the mean.

28. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to --

a. Correlation

b. Central tendency*

c. Discrimination

d. Level of difficulty


29. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ?

a. 7 *

b. 7.5

c. 8

d. 8.5


30. Standard deviation is to variability as mean is to --

a. Central tendency *

b. Coefficient of correlation

c. Discrimination index

d. Level of difficulty


31. Test norms are established in order to have basis for ?

a. Establishing learning objectives

b. Identifying pupil’s instructional devices

c. Planning effective instructional devices

d. Comparing test scores*

32. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?

a. Formulating test that vary from one teacher to another.

b. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for rating

c. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for rating.

d. Using common conversion table for translating test scores to ratings. *




33. Research found out that children learn visual discrimination tasks more rapidly if they to themselves .This shows that :

a. The second student has significantly higher intellectual ability.*

b. Both students are functioning in the average range of intellectual ability.

c. Another IQ test should be given to truly assess their intellectual potential.

d. The first student is probably below average, while the second has above average potential.

34. Which type of report refers to “on-the-spot” description of some incident, episode or occurrence that is being observed and recorded as being of possible significance?

a. Anecdotal report *

b. Autobiographical report

c. Biographical report

d. Value and interest report


e. .

35. Who among the following needs less verbal counseling but needs more concrete and operational forms of assistance?

The child who has  --

a. Attention-deficit disorder

b. Conduct disorder

c. Learning disability

d. Mental retardation*

36. The cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in teaching is an influence of --

a. Confucianism

b. Shintoism

c. Taoism    - All things originate from nature



37. Helping in the development of graduates who are “maka-Diyos” is an influence of --

a. Classical Christian Morality *

b. Dialectical Morality

c. Naturalistic Morality

d. Situational Morality

38. The attention to the development of a deep respect and affection for our rich cultural past is an influence of --

a. Confucius*

b. Dewey – preparation for life, as intelligent members of the society

c. Hegel

d. Teilhard de Chardin





39. How would you select the most fit in government positions? Applying Confucius teachings, which would be the answer?

a. By merit system *

b. By government examinations

c. By merit system and course accreditation

d. By course accreditation of an accrediting body


40. Whose influence is the education program that puts emphasis on self-development through the classics, music and rituals?

a. Buddha  - paractical

b. Confucius  master of our own destiny,Special Educ and moral eduction.

c. Lao Tsu  we must have clear vision

d. Mohammed *life after death  we are  


41. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and so teaches you the skill to cope with change.  What is his governing philosophy?

a. Existentialism (teacher stimulation is necessary – individuality,educ is an individual process)

b. Experimentalism * ( involves  control)

c. Idealism Values are both caught and taught

d. Realism


42. Value clarification as a strategy in Values Education classes is anchored on which philosophy?

a. Christian Philosophy

b. Existentialism

c. Hedonism

d. Idealism*


43. A guest speaker in one graduation rites told his audience, “Reminder, you are what you choose to be.”  The guest speaker is more of --

a. Existentialist

b. Idealist

c. Pragmatist

d. Realistic

44. “All men are pretty much alike.  It is only by custom that they are set apart,” said one Oriental philosopher.  Where can this thought be most inspiring?

a. In a multicultural group of learners.*

b. In a heterogeneous class of learners.

c. In a class composed of indigenous peoples.

d. In multicultural and heterogeneous groups of learners and indigenous people groups.


45. From whom do we owe the theory of deductive interference as illustrated in syllogisms?

a. Aristotle * self realization , perfection of oneself

b. Plato

c. Pythagoras

d. Socrates

46. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any investigation.  Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply?

a. Always do what is right.*

b. The principle of double-effect.

c. The end does not justify the means.

d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.


47. Teacher A is directed to pass an undeserving student with a death threat.  Which advice will a hedonist give?

a. Pass the student.  Why suffer the threat? *

b. Pass the student.  That will be of use to the student, his parents and you.

c. Don’t pass him.  You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass.

d. Don’t pass him.  Live by your principle of justice.  You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next!






48. History books used in schools are replete with events portraying defeats and weaknesses of the Filipino as a people.  How should you tackle them in the classroom?

a. Present them and express your feelings of shame.

b. Present them as they are presented and tell the class to accept reality.

c. Present facts and use them as means in inspiring your class to learn from them.*

d. Present them and blame those people responsible or those who have contributed.

49. If you agree with Rizal on how you can contribute to our nation’s redemption, which should you work for?

a. Gaining economic recovery.

b. Stabilizing the political situation.

c. Opening our doors to foreign influence.

d. Upgrading the quality of the Filipino through education.*


50. Rights and duties are correlative.  This means that --

a. Rights and duties arise from natural law.

b. Rights and duties ultimately come from God.

c. Rights and duties regulate the relationship of men in society.

d. Each right carries with it one or several corresponding duties.*


51. A teacher who equates authority with power does not --

a. Intimidate

b. Develop self-respect in every pupil*

c. Retaliate

d. Shame


52. Which is a true foundation of the social order?

a. Obedient citizenry

b. Strong political leadership

c. Equitable distribution of wealth*

d. The reciprocation of rights and duties


53. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education?

a. By working out undeserved promotions

b. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching

c. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally*

d. By wearing expensive clothes to change people’s poor perception of teachers


54. A teacher/student is held responsible for his actions because s/he --

a. is mature.

b. has reason.

c. has instincts.

d. has a choice.*


55. The typical autocratic teacher consistently does the following except --

a. Shaming students.

b. Ridiculing students.

c. Intimidating students.

d. Encouraging students.*


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