Let Review: PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION [November 11, 2020]
1. Get your brown envelope from your Room Watchers.
2. Check if the name printed on the brown envelope and the contents inside are yours.
3. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set.
4. Write the subject title “PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION” on the box provided.
5. Shade Set Box “A” on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box “B” if your test booklet is Set B.
6. Avoid erasures.
1. What should you do if a parent who is concerned about a grade his child received compared to another student’s grade, demands to see both students’ grades?
A. Show both records to him.
B. Show only his child’s record.*
C. Refuse to show either record.
D. Refuse to show any record without expressing permission from principal.
2. Teacher Q does not want Teacher B to be promoted and so writes an anonymous letter against Teacher B accusing her of fabricated lies. Teacher Q mails this anonymous letter to the Schools Division Superintendent. What should Teacher Q do if she was to act professionally?
A. Instigate student activists to read poison letters over the microphone.
B. Submit a signed justifiable criticism against Teacher B, if there is any.*
C. Go straight to the Schools Division Superintendent and gives criticism verbally.
D. Hire a group to distribute poison letters against Teacher B for information dissemination.
3. Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated.
B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to lead in community activities.
C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for the betterment of communities.*
D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
4. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked which nationality they preferred, if given a choice. Majority of the pupils wanted to be Americans. In this case, in which obligation, relative to the state, do schools seem to be failing?
In their obligation to --
A. Promote national pride.*
B. Instill allegiance to the Constitution.
C. Respect for all duly constituted authorities.
D. Promote obedience to the laws of the state.
5. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, which is not said of teachers?
A. LET passers*
B. Duly licensed professionals
C. Possess dignity and reputation
D. With high moral values as well as technical and professional competence
6. Teacher H and Teacher M are rivals for promotion. To gain the favor of the promotional staff, Teacher M offers her beach resort for free for members of the promotional staff before the ranking. As one of the contenders for promotion, is this becoming of her to do?
A. Yes. There’s nothing wrong with sharing one’s blessings.
B. Yes. This will be professional growth for the promotional staff.
C. No. The rare invitation will certainly be abused in the future by the staff.
D. No. This may exert undue influence on the member of the promotional staff and so may fail to promote someone on the basis of merit.*
7. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation, and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such obligation?
A. Study the life of Filipino heroes.
B. Use interactive teaching strategies.
C. Use the latest instructional technology.
D. Observe continuing professional education.
8. Teacher F is newly converted to a religion. Deeply convinced of his new found religion, he starts Monday classes by attacking one religion and convinces his pupils to attend their religious services on Sundays. Is this in accordance with Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
A. Yes. What he does is values education.
B. Yes. A teacher should influence his students completely.
C. No. A teacher should not use his authority to proselyte others.*(pro-self rule)
D. No. In the name of academic freedom, a teacher must allow his students to freely decide for themselves.
9. On which constitutional provision is the full or partial integration of capable deaf and blind in the classroom based?
A. Academic freedom for students and teachers
B. Providing vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youth.
C. Creating scholarships for poor and deserving students
D. Protecting and prompting the right of all citizens to quality education
10. Teacher A put together the output of her colleagues in a workshop and published it in her name as author. Which is unprofessional about teacher A’s behavior?
A. Not giving due credit to others for their work.*
B. Failing to correct what appears to be unprofessional conduct
C. Giving due credit to others for their work
D. Holding all confidential information concerning associates
11. I want every pupil to cope with the lesson. Which technique can help me achieve this?
A. Peer Instruction
B. Film showing
C. Mnemonics _ for remembering
D. Choral Reading
12. Who did an analysis of Greek tragedy?
A. Phythagoras mathematician
B. Aristotle - OEDIPUS
C. Plato - a disciple of Socrates, founded ACADEMY
13. In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of the teaching profession?
A. By working for promotions in the system
B. By continuously improving themselves personally and professionally*
C. By pointing out the advantages of joining the teaching profession
D. By good grooming to change
14. Which way to happiness did Aristotle and Maslow share in common?
A. Satisfaction of all our needs
B. Fulfillment of our obligations and duties
C. Spontaneity and simplicity in your way of life
D. Realization of our potentials to the fullest
15. From whom did we get the taxonomical practice of arranging all species in their natural order in accordance with their complexities of form, the main levels being the inanimate, the vegetative, the animal and the rational?
A. Pythagoras
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Watson
16. Who completed the model of literary criticism?
A. Aristotle
B. Watson
C. Plato
D. Pythagoras
17. I like to develop the synthesizing skills of my students .Which one should I do?
A Ask my students to formulate a generalization from the data shown on the graphs
B. Direct my students to point out which part of the graph is right and which
part is wrong
C.Ask my students to answer questions which start with “What if’
D.Tell my students to state data presented in the graph.
18. I want to give my students a conceptual preview of what I am to teach.
Which one will I use?
A. Advance organizer
B. Problem tree - for analyzing
C. Mnemonic device – for remembering
D. Venn diagram for comparing
19. Which type of question is considered low level?
A. Convergent - answers WHAT
B. Evaluative
C. Divergent - answers WHY and HOW higher level (HOTS)
D. Open-ended
20. In which way does heredity affect the development of the learner?
A. By placing limits beyond which the learner cannot develop
B. By making acquired traits hereditary
C. By compensating for what environment fails to develop
D. By providing equal potentials to all
21. A teacher should not be slave of his /her lesson plan. This means that____
A. The teacher must be ready to depart from her lesson plan if she
remembers something more interesting than what she planned.
B. A lesson plan must be followed by a teacher no matter what.
C. The teacher is the best lesson plan designer
D. The teacher must be willing to depart from her lesson plan if students are more interested in something other than what she planned.
22. Which is a typical characteristic of adolescent?
A. Reasonable and secure
B. Emotionally unstable
C. Slow but steady physical growth
D. Passive and obedient
23. Which one is meant to measure students awareness and values?
A. Anecdotal record
B. Projective technique
C. Moral dilemma - decisions are made
D. Likert Scales - scaled
24. The first American teachers were
A. elementary graduates
B. soldiers
C. missionaries
D. graduates of the normal schools
25. Teacher Justin incorporate athletics into the discussion to get the attention an athlete student who is bored and restless. Which disciplinary technique does Teacher Justin use?
A. Signal interference - clears throat
B. Direct appeal - Class ,please keep quiet!
C. Interest boosting
D. Hurdle lessons
26. For global competitiveness a school must embark on proactive change.Which one is a characteristic of a proactive change?
A. Imitative of others
B. Problem-driven
C. Late in the game
D. Radical and inventive*
27. Which test item is in the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy of objectives?
A. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem*
B. Explain trees receive nutrients
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth
D. List the parts of a tree.
28. Teacher D plays soft classical music while her class is asked to meditate on the beauty of creation because she believes that meditative music can help them reflect better. On which theory is this practice founded?
A. Humanistic psychology*
B. Psychoanalysis - based on early experiences
C. Gestalt psychology- development of mental faculty
D. Behaviorism – learning is observed
29. Teacher sideline is selling “Encyclopedia for Children” on weekends. Her usual clientele are the parents of pupils who are at the verge of failing or those vying for the Top Ten. In fact she always succeeded in selling encyclopedias to these parents .Is there anything unethical with the way Teacher I does her sideline?
A. Yes, there is. She may become less objective in her evaluation at the work of these pupils concerned.*
B. No, there isn’t. Books and teachers mix. Teachers are suppose to promote reading
C. No, there isn’t. A teachers’ salary is so meager and selling books is respectable way of augmenting Teacher E’s income
D. Yes, there is. She is not supposed to engaged in any form of sideline.
30. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth , which should be done?
A. Re-study our history and stress in our achievement as a people
B. Re-study our history from the perspective of our colonizers
C. Replace the study of folklores and myths with technical subjects that make youths globally competitive
D. Set aside the study of local history
31. Teacher Rodel discovered that his students are very good in dramatizing .Which tool must have helped him discover the pupil’s strength?
A. Product Assessment
B. Performance Test*
C. Journal Entry
D. Portfolio Assessment
32. Here is a performance objective “ WITH THE AID OF A PERIODIC CHART, the students will list the atomic weights of the first ten elements .The words in capital letters are referred to as the ___________.
A. Minimum acceptable performance
B. Behavior
C. Condition
D. Performance Statement
33. Even if the situation allowed her to cheat,Bianca chose not to because she believes it is not the right thing to do .In what moral developmetal stage is Bianca?
A. Conventional
B. Post Conventional
C. Pre-Conventional
D. Universal
34. Which assessment tool will be most authentic?
A. Short answer test
B. Alternative response test
C. Essay test
D. Portfolio
35. Which of the following is a fact question?
A. What are some of the ways in which you have used the word ancient?
B. What are the effects of the invention of electricity on the life of the people?
C. What is the function of CPU in a microcomputer?
D. What would be one of the first things we have to do to clean the air we breath?
36. Which holds true to norm-reference testing
A. Constructing test items in terms of instructional objectives
B. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance
C. Determining task that reflect instructional objectives
D. Identifying average performance of the group*
Which describes norm-reference grading?
a.An absolute standard
b.The performance of the group *
c.The students’ past performance
d.What constitutes a perfect score
1. I like to teach subtraction by engaging my pupils in a “sari-sari store business”. Which technique is this?
a. Contrived incident ( false incident)
b. Game
c. Dramatization
d. Simulation
2. According to Bandura’s learning theory, the four factors that are necessary for a person to learn through observation are attention(focus), retention ( reproduction of desired behavior), reproduction(reinforced desired behavior/corrected behavior)and ________________
a. Metacognition
b. Reflection –insights
c. Discrimination
d. Motivation* - acquires and retains the modelled behaviour
3. In one of the pages of her printed reference materials , Teacher Irene finds an illustrative life cycle of a frog. Assuming that the following are available to her, which is the quickest way for her to effectively present the life cycle of a frog to her class by __________
a. The use of the overhead projector
b. The use of opaque projector
c. Describing the life cycle
d. Drawing on the chalkboard
4. I like my students to master the skill in multiplying 2 digit numbers. Which method is most appropriate?
a. Drill
b. Expository
c. Discovery
d. Unit
5. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow’s Needs Theory?
a. The effect of the different classroom structures
b. Delinquency in the public schools
c. The effect of poverty on academic achievement*
d. Sex education issues in school
6. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the class the rules in playing basketball.
Which method is the most appropriate?
a. Discovery
b. Inductive Reasoning - discovery in nature (SG)
c. Problem Solving
d. Direct Instruction
7. From which educational philosophy does going Back to the Basics movement spring?
a. Essentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Progressivism
d. Existentialism
8. Student B claims: “I cannot see the perfection but I long for it. So it must be real.” Under which group can he be classified?
a. Empiricist
b. Idealist drill and memorization : education is objective
c. Pragmatist
d. Empericist
9. Which of the following propositions is attributed to Plato? ( idealism)
a. Human beings create their own truths. *
b. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.
c. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.
d. Learning is the discovery of truth as latent ideas are brought to consciousness.
10. On whose philosophy was A.S. Neil’s Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools, based?
a. John Locke
b. Montessori
c. Pestalozzi *
d. Rousseau ( Rosseau Naturalist)
11. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
a. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
b. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.*
c. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
d. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill and value that he needs for a better future.
12. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher’s teaching is against what philosophy?
a. Hedonism*
b. Empiricism
c. Epicureanism
d. Realism
13. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?
a. Essentialist
b. Existentialist
c. Perennialist
d. Progressivist
14. You arrived at knowledge by re-thinking of latent ideas. From whom does this thought came?
a. Existentialist
b. Experimentalist
c. Idealist
d. Realist*
15. As a teacher, you are a reconstructionist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?
a. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven
b. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full.
c. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.
d. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill and value that he needs for a better future.*
16. Teacher B engages his students with information for thorough understanding, for meaning and for competent application. Which principle governs Teacher B?
a. Behaviorist
b. Cognitivist
c. Constructivist*
d. Gestalt
17. Which is/are the sources of man’s intellectual drives, according to Freud?
a. Ego *
b. Id
c. Id and Ego
d. Super ego
18. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
a. Acquisition
b. Discrimination *
c. Extinction
d. Generalization
19. The concept of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with the works of –
a. Erickson *
b. Freud
c. Jung
d. Piaget
20. Teacher F is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provided reinforcement and soon the student will learn to perform the behavior on his own. On which principle is Teacher F’s conviction based?
a. Behaviorism *
b. Cognitivism
c. Constructivism
d. Environmentalism
21. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation, and asks his students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based?
a. Bandura
b. Bruner
c. Kohlberg *
d. Piaget
22. Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory which component(s) of personality is (are) concerned with a sense of right and wrong?
a. Ego
b. Id
c. Super ego
d. Super ego and Ego
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